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Petko Rusenov

Case Study : How German free sheet "Wochenblatt Reporter" uses reporting dashboards for cross-media ad campaigns to increase digital upsellings for their job market.

Case Study : How German free sheet “Wochenblatt Reporter” uses reporting dashboards for cross-media ad campaigns to increase digital upsellings for their job market.

About Wochenblatt Reporter: With a weekly print circulation of almost 1.1 million copies for 16 local editions, German publisher “SÜWE” became a leader in providing digital local news for South-Western German regions of “Pfalz” and “North Badenia”. One of their issues, Wochenblatt, launched their online portal on… Read More »Case Study : How German free sheet “Wochenblatt Reporter” uses reporting dashboards for cross-media ad campaigns to increase digital upsellings for their job market.

ase Study: How local publisher “Mühlacker Tagblatt” is transforming its regional advertorials into digital profit centres

Case Study: How “News Verlag” generates scalable hyperlocal advertising revenues.

About: With a total circulation of 60 000 copies “News Verlag” became the leading provider for local and sub-local information in the Miltenberg district in Germany. Challenge: Classic online banner advertising as a completely new sales process and product for advertisers and sales teams was ever… Read More »Case Study: How “News Verlag” generates scalable hyperlocal advertising revenues.

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Case Study: How these regional media houses instantly realised new digital revenues in local advertorials without internal changes to their processes.

One of the largest regional publishing groups in Europe has been hesitating for a long time to extend their successful local advertorials from print into a corresponding online presence. Main concerns where about internal efforts to bring the advertorials online – for product teams, editorial… Read More »Case Study: How these regional media houses instantly realised new digital revenues in local advertorials without internal changes to their processes.

Case Study: How „Der Tagesspiegel“ digitises their magazines to increase existing revenues and convert new advertisers.

Case Study: How „Der Tagesspiegel“ digitises their magazines to increase existing revenues and convert new advertisers.

An important part of Tagesspiegel’s growth strategy is the publication of new magazines for relevant target groups. Besides their magazines “Berliner” (lifestyle magazine), “Genuss-Guide” (food guide) and “Landpartie” (rural lifestyle), “Tagesspiegel” reaches over 110,000 sports enthusiasts of all ages with its “Urban Running” and “Urban… Read More »Case Study: How „Der Tagesspiegel“ digitises their magazines to increase existing revenues and convert new advertisers.

Case Study: How local publisher “Mühlacker Tagblatt” is transforming its regional advertorials into digital profit centres

Case Study: How local publisher “Mühlacker Tagblatt” is transforming its regional advertorials into digital profit centres

For a long time, local advertisers at “Mühlacker Tagblatt” could only promote their local advertorials about open house days, events, discounts, company anniversaries, etc. in the print product. The publisher was reluctant to the conversion from print to online due to the uncertainty whether advertisers… Read More »Case Study: How local publisher “Mühlacker Tagblatt” is transforming its regional advertorials into digital profit centres