About: With a total circulation of 60 000 copies “News Verlag” became the leading provider for local and sub-local information in the Miltenberg district in Germany.
Challenge: Classic online banner advertising as a completely new sales process and product for advertisers and sales teams was ever since and almost everywhere difficult to sell at scale for local publishers. Combining the customers’ low budgets and the lack of experience with digital services, it is very difficult for publishers to attract current and potential clients to promote online. Same went for News Verlag.
Solution: In 2018 the publisher of “Schaufenster” and “Wochenblatt” newspapers took the strategic decision to introduce “Smart Banner” as a digital add-on product for all local print customers. Print ads are digitally extended as cross-media upsellings and served via the advertising spaces on the online portal meine-news.de. The price model plus the intuitive and fully automated preparation of the print ads made a simple online product for all advertising customers and useful addition to the print product.
As a result, the average reach for the local ad campaigns increased by 20-30 % compared to pure print reach. Now every advertising customer receives a measurable added value in online.
“Thanks to the simple sales and implementation process, we offer our advertising customers an entry-level product into the online world, as well as for the sub-local advertising market. An intuitive dashboard provides every customer with comprehensible online performance data” says Andre Rüttiger, Head of meine-news.de
Request more details about how “News Verlag” packaged, priced and trained the product in our full study. Please reach out: