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How only direct sales can save advertising in a cookie-less, ad-free, subscription - first world

How only direct sales can save advertising in a cookie-less, ad-free, subscription – first world

This article appeared first on Probably the last decade was a massive blow to the acceptance of digital advertising. This one red shoe you once looked at a month ago was following you around the internet without mercy. No wonder users were installing ad… Read More »How only direct sales can save advertising in a cookie-less, ad-free, subscription – first world

Why the decline in local newspapers is about print and not about local advertising. And what publishers have to do now!

Why the decline in local newspapers is about print and not about local advertising. And what publishers have to do now!

This article appeared first on In many countries, local newspapers have been in sharp decline. Too often a drop in local relevance or interest, or the global behemoths like Google and Facebook are blamed. But looking at the types of advertisers local newspapers managed… Read More »Why the decline in local newspapers is about print and not about local advertising. And what publishers have to do now!

Why publishers should be confident about their USPs in digital advertising for SMEs compared to Meta & Google

Why publishers should be confident about their USPs in digital advertising for SMEs compared to Meta & Google

This article appeared first on   With frightening regularity, I hear newspaper executives talking about the shortcomings of regional news publishers in digital advertising versus global giants like Google & Facebook. If it is about data, technology, sheer size or their user adoption of… Read More »Why publishers should be confident about their USPs in digital advertising for SMEs compared to Meta & Google